Sales Terms and Conditions


When signing up via the website/online purchase, Lejernes LO offers membership registration and payment of the first membership fee through
Once we have received your membership order, you will receive a confirmation email containing your membership number. You will pay for your first membership period immediately upon registering with Lejernes LO. Please note that you pay membership fees for the entire month in which you sign up, regardless of when in the month you sign up.
Remember, it is your responsibility to sign up for or cancel automatic payments via Betalingsservice.

We encourage you to set up your membership payment for automatic payment (Betalingsservice, automatic card payments, or MobilePay). If we need to send an invoice, a fee will apply. The fee for sending an invoice by email is DKK 25, and the fee for sending it by letter is DKK 50.

By joining LLO, you commit to a minimum membership of six months. Each subsequent payment locks you into membership for the period covered by that payment. Your membership will continue unless you actively cancel. If you forget to cancel, the cancellation will take effect at the end of the current month plus 30 days. Upon cancellation, it is your responsibility to cancel your Betalingsservice; we cannot do this for you.

For online purchases, there is a 14-day right of withdrawal. If you receive assistance from LLO within these 14 days, you explicitly waive the right to cancel. If you wish to cancel your membership, please inform us by sending a written notice of cancellation to LLO.

Other Methods of Registration

You also have the option to receive an invoice or payment details by email if you contact your local LLO office. By paying the invoice, you also accept our data and sales terms.

You can also register in person at your local LLO office. Please check the local office’s website for opening hours at You can pay the membership fee with MobilePay at the office. If you register in person, you will be asked to sign our sales and data terms.

Your Membership Does Not Cover:

  • Fees for handling cases by the Rent Tribunal, Resident Complaint Board, or Appeal Board.
  • Legal cases at the enforcement court or district court.



Cancellation must be made in writing to your local LLO office at least one month before your membership period ends. Please remember to include your membership number. Your cancellation will take effect at the end of the current membership period.

Remember, it is your responsibility to cancel Betalingsservice, no one else can do this for you.

Failure to Pay Membership Fees

If you do not pay your membership fee, you will no longer be eligible for advice or case handling. If we need to remind you to pay, a reminder fee of DKK 100 may apply. If you have arrears and wish to rejoin, you must pay your outstanding fees before becoming a member again.

Change of Address

If you move during a membership period, it is important to notify us. You can do this by logging into or by post or email to the local office you are a member of. Please check contact details at

Special Terms for Local Branches (Hovedstaden)

  • Upgrade of Membership: You can upgrade your membership package on a daily basis. If you wish to do so, please notify us in writing.
  • Downgrade of Membership


You can downgrade your membership package as well, but you must inform us in writing at least one month before your membership period ends. The downgrade will take effect at the end of the membership period.

If you have an LLO – Extra membership and choose to downgrade it, Lejernes LO Hovedstaden will withdraw from any cases we may be representing you in.

Lejernes LO Hovedstaden cannot re-enter the same case if you later decide to upgrade your membership package.
You can send your written notification by post to Lejernes LO Hovedstaden, Vester Voldgade 9, 1, 1552 Copenhagen V, by email to, or visit us during opening hours Monday-Thursday from 13:00 to 16:00. Always remember to provide your membership number.

Court Cases, Small Claims, and Collection Cases

Court cases, small claims, and collection cases are not covered by your membership, but as a member, you have access to have LLO Hovedstaden handle collection cases and small claims at a very low cost. As a Plus and Extra member, you have access to a free lawyer assessment of your case.

Personal Data
Personal data is processed confidentially and stored securely in accordance with applicable law. You have the right to access your personal data, which can be provided by contacting your local LLO office and providing your membership number.
It is your responsibility to notify us of any address changes.


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